International Association of Universities
The Global Voice of Higher Education
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  • Annual Report 2024

    The International Association of Universities is pleased to present the 2024 Annual Report of activities. In 2024, IAU hosted 9 webinars, published numerous reports and policy statements, strengthened and engaged with our Membership base, and continued our advocacy work for our four priority areas: value based leadership, internationalization, sustainable development and digital transformation. Through these thematic priorities, the IAU has been able to continue project based work to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge production. To learn more about what IAU achieved in 2024, read the latest Annual Report.

    Read the Report

  • HEIAS Grant Opportunity

    HEIAS Annual Grant
    Each year the IAU reserves a budget to cover one of the HEIAS programmes for one IAU Member HEI. The grant will cover the full fee of the service; the institution will only have to cover the travel and subsistence costs (accommodation and meals) of the members of the expert panel.

    Eligibility criteria

    - In order to be eligible, a university applying for this unique grant must be:
    - An IAU Member in good standing.
    - Located in a low-income country according to the IAU membership criteria or able to demonstrate that they are facing a particularly difficult financial situation.

    Application criteria

    - The application may be submitted by any individual working at the institution, but it must be endorsed by the academic leadership and submitted on behalf of the whole institution. A letter signed by the head of the institution demonstrating this commitment is required.
    - In order to apply, institutions must complete the online application from.
    - The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 28 February 2025.

    In the application form, the applying institution must identify the HEIAS programme it would like to pursue, explain briefly the reasoning behind the choice, and detail what it aims to achieve thanks to the HEIAS grant support.

    If the institution is not located in a low-income country, it must also demonstrate that it is facing difficult financial conditions and therefore in need of a grant. Failure to do so will make the application ineligible. HEIs located in low-income country are exempt from this requirement.

    Selection Criteria:

    For this first year, institutions will be evaluated based on their application. In successive years, criteria for selection will also consider geographic balance between the different regions of the world, the type of institution, the type of service requested and the period of the year the service would take place.


    1. Applications will be evaluated in March 2025 and the selected institutions will be informed by Friday 28 March 2025 at the latest.
    2. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be finalized in April 2025.
    3. The HEIAS service will start immediately after the signing of the MoU.
    4. The site visit should ideally take place during the first three months of the year 2026.

    Application Form

  • Call for Papers: IAU Horizons vol. 30.1

    Transforming Our World: Shaping the Path Forward 

    A decade ago, in 2015, the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), expanding the concept of sustainable development to encompass inclusive social and economic progress, environmental stewardship, and global peace and security. Designed as a universal and people-centered framework, Agenda 2030 applies to all nations and acknowledges academia as a key partner. However, it fell short of explicitly emphasizing the critical role of higher education in driving sustainable development forward. 

    With just five years remaining until 2030, progress toward the SDGs remains insufficient. The world continues to face mounting crises, from environmental challenges to geopolitical instability, making the need for bold action more urgent than ever. 

    The outcomes of the 2023 SDG Summit, the adoption of the UN Pact for the Future in 2024, and annual UN High-Level Political Forums provide valuable insights into the gaps and challenges that lie ahead. By 2027, the UN will decide on the next steps for advancing sustainable development beyond 2030. 

    In this critical moment, the International Association of Universities (IAU) calls on higher education leaders to reflect on their engagement with the SDGs and to share insights on both the achievements and shortcomings of the current agenda. More importantly, it is an invitation for a forward-looking discussion on the evolving role of higher education in driving transformation beyond 2030. 

    Key questions for reflection include: 

    • What changes are needed to accelerate progress toward sustainable development? 
    • How can universities contribute more effectively, and should their role be redefined? 
    • What are the lacunas of the current Agenda 2030, is there a need for new goals or refined objectives?

    Leaders of higher education institutions are invited to contribute to help shape the road beyond 2030 by sharing their views, perspectives and aspirations for the future through short opinion pieces.

    The time to reflect and act is now. 

    Practical information

    • The call is directed at the leaders of IAU Member institutions and organizations. Co-authors are welcome.  
    • Please submit the proposed abstract by 20 February 2025 (midnight CET). 
    • The deadline for submission of the full opinion piece (max. 800 words) is 15 March 2025. 

    Submit your abstract here.

  • Open Science: The Challenge for Universities

  • IAU Horizons Vol. 29.2

  • technolo

    Link to text:

  • IAU 2024 International Conference


    - DATE: 22 -24 November 2024


    - THEME: University Values in a Changing World

    IAU 2024 International Conference
    The IAU 2024 International Conference will be held from 22-24 November at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.

    In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving global landscape, universities find themselves navigating heightened complexity and uncertainty. Institutions and their leaders are increasingly compelled to adapt swiftly to a diverse range of expectations. Against this backdrop, this conference highlights the pivotal role of values, exploring how they provide universities with guidance for decision-making, ethical conduct, and meaningful engagement. Furthermore, conference sessions will assess the extent to which these values are used to address the grand challenges encountered by societies.

    Learn more about the conference theme in the event concept note.

    Call for Proposals Now Open

    Framed by the above conference concept note, the IAU has opened this call for proposals to identify speakers from different regions of the world that can contribute to the important conversations during breakout sessions of the International Conference programme. Learn more and submit your proposal here.

    With any questions, please contact the IAU Events team

  • Latest IAU Programme: HEIAS

    Higher Education Internationalization Advisory Services (HEIAS)

    The International Association of Universities is pleased to launch its newest programme of work under the internationalization thematic priority area: HEIAS. This programme expands on the foundation laid by the original IAU ISAS and ISAS 2.0 programmes, which were created to support higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing, reviewing, and enhancing their internationalization strategies.

    Introducing HEIAS:

    The HEIAS programme offers a broad array of distinct services designed for IAU Member institutions at various stages of internationalization. HEIAS aims to foster greater international collaboration, enhance institutional capacity, and inform global engagement strategies given evolving challenges and opportunities. Each service culminates with the award of an IAU internationalization and global engagement Learning Badge.

    Learn more here

  • Discover the recent actions from the network...

    Discover the latest report on SDGs activities (2023-24) carried out by the IAU HESD Cluster members:
    - Higher Education on the Way to 2030 (final version 09/2024)

    What is the HESD cluster?

    The Cluster works on all dimensions of the SDGs, combining economic, social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. Especially the cultural dimension of SD will be at the core of this Cluster, since this is an area not touched-upon a lot by others. Yet, due to the diverse nature of the IAU, the association believes that this is the key to successful partnerships and a holistic understanding of the Global Goals.

    The Cluster is composed of 16 lead Institutions, each championing and working on one specific SDG while at the same time linking it to other relevant SDGs. Work on goal 17, which consists of multiple organizations working together, is led by IAU. Gradually, additional institutions will be invited on board. The Cluster will be supported, monitored and steered by the IAU Working Group on HESD. Initiatives developed by the Cluster will be made available to all IAU Members.
    Read more about the Cluster here:

  • Second Global Survey on the State of Digital...

    Second Global Survey on the State of Digital Transformation of Higher Education

    After several years of rapid digital transformation particularly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAU is pleased to announce that the second Global Survey on Digital Transformation of Higher Education is now collecting responses. The first global survey on digital transformation was launched in 2019 and it led to the report: Higher Education in the Digital Era: The current state of transformation around the world (January 2020). This report constitutes an important source of information about the state of digital transformation prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    This survey will take stock of the current state of digital transformation in higher education to monitor developments and identify key achievements as well as challenges. Our aim is to assess how ongoing technological developments are contributing to broad transformations in higher education. For the preparation of the global survey, it is essential that we work with experts from different regions of the world to ensure a sound design of the questionnaire and that it is resonating with all regions of the world.

    Key details:
    We kindly ask for only one reply per institution; thus we invite you to nominate a senior staff member to collect the data from across your institution and submit it online. The survey is composed of 43 questions out of which 10 are simple demographical questions. We recommend that you download this PDF version of the survey to prepare your reply and submit the survey once you have collected the data. It will take about 30 minutes to submit the data online. The deadline to complete the survey is 1 October 2024.

    Complete the Survey

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International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France
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