IAU joins UNESCO Global Education Coalition |
The International Association of Universities joins the Global Education Coalition launched by UNESCO
IAU joins forces with UNESCO and partners from around the world to ensure that #LearningNeverStops. UNESCO Global Education Coalition seeks to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth during this period of sudden and unprecedented educational disruption through three main objectives: supporting the equitable continuation of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring a full and fair return to education following the pandemic, strengthening learning systems for the future.
IAU supports leaders of universities and other higher education institutions around the world by facilitating collaboration and exchange on solutions to the challenges encountered during the pandemic; IAU monitors impacts on the higher education sector, shares solutions and identifies key issues for higher education in the post-pandemic world.
Amongst its activities to support the higher education sector during the pandemic, IAU published a first Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education and recently published a new report on Regional/National Perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education
IAU also developed a series of webpages gathering resources related to COVID-19.
NGO in official partnership with UNESCO in associate status |
International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France |
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