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By Giorgio Marinoni, IAU Manager, Internationalisation policy and projects, and Hans de Wit, Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, United States, and member of the IAU Advisory Committee for the 5th IAU Global Survey on Internationalisation of Higher Education.
Is inequality in internationalisation of HE on the rise?
The internationalisation of higher education is a phenomenon that has implications far beyond the domain of higher education; it impacts society at large.
According to the definition of Jane Knight, updated in 2015 by Hans de Wit and others, internationalisation is “an intentional process undertaken by higher education institutions in order to enhance the quality of education and research for all students and staff, and to make a meaningful contribution to society”.
Assuming that internationalisation is an intentional process, the question arising is: how strategic is this process? In other words, is internationalisation at higher education institutions supported by a defined strategy, with clear objectives, actions, and point persons, framed within a realistic timeline and supported by the necessary (human and financial) resources?
Is this strategy monitored and are outcomes evaluated? And in the current political climate of anti-globalisation, anti-immigration and increasing nationalism, to what extent is this strategy still relevant and up to date?
The results of the 5th Global Survey on Internationalisation of Higher Education, an online survey conducted by the International Association of Universities (IAU) in 2018, help us address these questions.
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