IAU has been convening higher education representatives since its founding General Conference in Nice, France in 1950. The events’ format has changed over the years while pursuing the same objective of sharing experiences and higher education values.
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University Values in a Changing WorldNovember 2024
Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercultural Learning and Dialogue2023 International Conference
Relevance and Value of Universities to Future SocietyIAU 16th General Conference
Transforming higher education for the futureIAU 2019 International Conference and GMA
Higher Education Partnerships for Societal ImpactIAU 2018 International Conference
Higher Education: A catalyst for innovative and sustainable societiesGeneral Conference
Leadership for a changing public-private higher education funding landscape
Internationalization of Higher Education: Moving beyond mobilityIAU 2015 International Conference
Social innovation: challenges and prospects for higher educationGlobal meeting of Associations (GMA VI)
Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable DevelopmentIAU 2014 International Conference