The Council of Europe (CoE) is composed of 47 member states. The Council of Europe works in the following areas: democracy, law, human rights, education, protection of children, social rights and linguistic and minority rights. The work of the CoE in higher education focuses on issues related to qualifications, public responsibility for higher education and research, and higher education governance.
IAU partners with the Council of Europe as co-editors in The Council of Europe Higher Education Series, is a member of Council of Europe Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE), takes part in the Council of Europe Expert Group on the Local Mission of Higher Education, the Expert Group on Competences for Democratic Culture, the CDPPE Task Force on a Council of Europe education response to COVID-19 and sat on the expert group that developed the European Framework for Competences for Democratic Culture.
Council of Europe:
Higher Education Series:
Steering committee for Education Policy and Practice
Working Groups]
Reference Framework for Competences for Democratic Culture
Call for Best Practices in Promoting Academic Integrity during COVID-19 - Newsroom (coe.int)
NGO in official partnership with UNESCO in associate status |
International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France |
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